Kalam Patua - two new works
Neves Torres
Linville Barker
Annie Pootoogook
Halle Saint Pierre - Raw Vision: 25 Years of Outsider Art
Hermenegildo Bustos - ex-voto
San Francisco de Paola - variations on the form
Literatura de cordel - AbraĆ£o Batista - part four
Literatura de cordel - Marcelo Soares - part three
Literatura de cordel - JosƩ Francisco Borges - part two
Literatura de cordel - String Literature from Brazil - part one
Krishnaprakash Vasant Martand ā€“ line drawings
Joe Ficalora and The Bushwick Collective
Hung Tung - a visit in 1972
Daniel Martin Diaz's Soul of Science - reviewed in Raw Vision
Gaatha - a blog giving voice to artisans
Allyson Mellberg - 3 new (remarkable) works
Rick Beerhorst - an artist from Grand Rapids
Lizbeth Stewart - remembered
Geronimo de Leon
Semiha Berksoy - beyond expectations
Whirling Dervishes - religious ecstasy in motion
Mahasundari Devi
Daniel Martin Diaz - three prints
Daniel Martin Diaz - Soul of Science
Kathryn Polk - Non-Indigenous Woman
Telling Tales - the art of Indian storytelling
Fay Ku - at Eight Modern
Vollis Simpson
Deborah Klein - simply stunning
Indian Contemporary Art - Contemporary, One Word, Several Worlds - reviewed in Raw Vision
Artemio Rodriguez - new website
Venkat Raman Singh Shyam - new work
Sopheap Pich - at the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
Great and Mighty Things - reviewed by Roberta Smith
Gond and Beyond - Indigo Arts
Upcoming Documentary - Olayami Dabls and Dmytro Szylak
Souzou: Outsider Art from Japan - at the Wellcome Collection, London
The Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection - at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Jangarh Singh Shyam - at Saffronart
Susanna Bauer - in HandEye
Pushpa Kumari - mother earth drawings
Pushpa Kumari - 9/11 drawing
Three Drawings by Ganesh Jogi
A Group of Shrinathji Paintings - in a private collection
Shrinathji - calendar art
Kalam Patua - works about photography
Daehyun Kim - in the New York Times
Kalam Patua - in New Delhi
Jorge SelarĆ³n
Kalam Patua - new work

This blog is committed to artists who are informed by the world around them or driven by a highly personal artistic vision. Many respond to and reinterpret traditional culture. Others create works from an internal world. At times, this blog will also examine lesser-known non-western art forms, both contemporary and historic that will enhance the understanding of the artists presented.

All photos and written material are copyrighted. Any works posted against the wish of the copyright owner will be removed upon request. Contact me at the e-mail address in the profile section.

If images are taken from this blog to post on Pinterest or another site, please include a link to Art Found Out.

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