Riera Studio - in the current Raw Vision
William Georgenes - 1929 / 2017
Bill Traylor: Chasing Ghosts - on Kickstarter
David de la Mano - Adrift
The Enchanted Forest - a Roli Books edition
David de la Mano - Adrift
Jangarh Singh Shyam - The Enchanted Forest - Paintings and Drawings from the Crites Collection
Howard Hodgkin's estate
Veil of Veronica - four Mexican Retablos
Portrait of a Young Man - a company school painting
Khubiram Gopilal - Coronation of Lord Rama
Saner - resurfaces a Nike
Allyson Mellberg - new works, part 2
Allyson Mellberg - new works, part 1
Guillermo MartĆ­n Bermejo - new drawings
Shiviti - ten interesting examples
Phulkari - Philadelphia Museum of Art / March 12 to July 9, 2017
Howard Hodgkin - his Indian painting collection
Shrinathji in the time of photography
Two Shrinathji Paintings

This blog is committed to artists who are informed by the world around them or driven by a highly personal artistic vision. Many respond to and reinterpret traditional culture. Others create works from an internal world. At times, this blog will also examine lesser-known non-western art forms, both contemporary and historic that will enhance the understanding of the artists presented.

All photos and written material are copyrighted. Any works posted against the wish of the copyright owner will be removed upon request. Contact me at the e-mail address in the profile section.

If images are taken from this blog to post on Pinterest or another site, please include a link to Art Found Out.

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