San Caralampio - two extremely rare retablos
Our Lady of Guadalupe - formal paintings that influenced retablo artist
Two Archangel Saint Michael Sculptures
Alma de Maria - a few examples
Carlomagno Pedro Martinez - in his own words
Guillermo Martin Bermejo - The Draughtsman's Song
Maharao Kishor Singh performs the lamp-waving ceremony of Brijnathji
Shrinathji study from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
Three Shrinathji Studies
Two Shrinathji paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art
Nathadwara drawings from the Stuart Cary Welch Collection
Jeremy Seth Taylor and Allyson Mellberg-Taylor - an online exhibition
Nathadwara drawings / studies in a private collection - part 2
Nathadwara drawings / studies in a private collection - part 1
Shrinathji paintings from the Cleveland Museum of Art
Shrinathji drawings from the Brooklyn Museum of Art
A Shrinathji painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC
John the Baptist
A Fine Shrinathji Painting
Mexican Catholic Images - in print
A Fine Christ Sculpture
A Shrinathji Painting
Matsuura Shigeru - touching wood
Guillermo MartĆ­n Bermejo - James Freeman Gallery
International Journal of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Issue 4, Summer 2020
La Sagrada Familia
The Radical Quilting of Rosie Lee Tompkins
Juan Patricio Morlete Ruiz - five paintings
JosƩ de PƔez - three paintings
Balinese Shadow Puppets (wayang kulit) - 4 of 4
Balinese Shadow Puppets (wayang kulit) - 3 of 4
Balinese Shadow Puppets (wayang kulit) - 2 of 4
Balinese Shadow Puppets (wayang kulit) - 1 of 4 - introduction
Rita of Cascia
Black Lives Matter
A Fine Shrinathji Painting
Philadelphia's Magic Gardens: The Dreamwork of Isaiah Zagar - the recently published book
Felipe Morales - a watercolor on paper from the late 1980s
In response to COVID - a drawing by Pushpa Kumari
In response to COVID - a work by Pradyumna Kumar
In response to COVID by Indian folk art scroll painter -Pattachitra depiction by Rupsana Chitrakar
Yokai: Ghosts & Demons of Japan - The Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM December 2019 - January 2021
Samaneh Atef - in Raw Vision # 105
Space Notes - works by Lisa Cline
La Santisima Trinidad
Daniel Martin Diaz responds to the Corona virus
Christ of Piety - a Mexican ex voto
Manuel Jimenez - three rare photographs
Rita of Cascia

This blog is committed to artists who are informed by the world around them or driven by a highly personal artistic vision. Many respond to and reinterpret traditional culture. Others create works from an internal world. At times, this blog will also examine lesser-known non-western art forms, both contemporary and historic that will enhance the understanding of the artists presented.

All photos and written material are copyrighted. Any works posted against the wish of the copyright owner will be removed upon request. Contact me at the e-mail address in the profile section.

If images are taken from this blog to post on Pinterest or another site, please include a link to Art Found Out.

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