Guillermo Martin Bermejo at James Freeman Gallery, London
Images depicting the churning of the ocean of milk
A Mexican Retablo - La Alma de Maria
Paintings from Nathadwara - from the 1920s
Devotees of Krishna
Six Lithographs from Nathadwara
Josefina Aguilar - from the 1970s
Demetrio GarcĆ­a Aguilar - two recent works
Manuel JimƩnez - an early work
The Trinity receiving the soul of a Christian
Krishna / Shrinathji painting from Nathadwara
La Madriguera GrƔfica - QuerƩtaro
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Viterbo
Alma de Maria - a classical example
Scene of the Passion of Christ
Christ as a fountain of life
Miguel Linares - two Sculptures
Ganesh and Teju - in The Guardian
Pushpa Kumari - 23rd Biennale of Sydney
Manuel JimƩnez - spotted jaguar
Concepcion Avila - 'Bee Sting Lip' painter
Cristo de la Columna / Christ at the Column
Mexican ex-votos dedicated to El Nino Salvador
A Mexican Retablo - La Alma de Maria
Manuel JimƩnez - a gazelle
Gopi Karelia writes about Pushpa Kumari
San Juan Nepomuceno - a Mexican retablo
Two Preparatory Drawings - Rajasthan
A Picchvai of Krishna
Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko - bird of prey
Carlomagno Pedro Martinez - a sculpture
A hand colored by Felipe Morales
The Textile Museum, Washington DC -part one
The Textile Museum, Washington DC -part two
Manuel JimƩnez - Antelope
Our Lady of Guadalupe - three classical examples
Miguel Cabrera - two works
Ernesto Yerena Montejano - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Pushpa Kumari - Global Positioning, part 2
Ceramics from Tonala, Mexico - a few fine examples
Yoshimitsu Tomizuka - new work
The Quran - calligraphy
Juan Manuel de ƃvila - Virgin of Guadalupe
Pushpa Kumari - Global Positioning

This blog is committed to artists who are informed by the world around them or driven by a highly personal artistic vision. Many respond to and reinterpret traditional culture. Others create works from an internal world. At times, this blog will also examine lesser-known non-western art forms, both contemporary and historic that will enhance the understanding of the artists presented.

All photos and written material are copyrighted. Any works posted against the wish of the copyright owner will be removed upon request. Contact me at the e-mail address in the profile section.

If images are taken from this blog to post on Pinterest or another site, please include a link to Art Found Out.

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