NicolƔs Enrƭquez - three works
Three Shrinathji paintings
A Shrinathji Study
Two Shrinathji paintings
Domenico Gavarrone - two ex votos
Miguel Cabrera - Ecce Homo
Manuel JimƩnez - from the early 1980s
Lord Krishna among cows - Two Studies
Mexican Retablo - San Guillermo
SeƱor del Aposentillo - Lord of the Chamber
A fine Mexican Retablo
Manuel JimƩnez - five older works
Mexican Retablos - transformed by age
Two retablos - Alma de Maria
Rick Beerhorst - drawings
A Hand Colored Photograph from India
Sketches on a page - Rajasthan India
Santa Eduviges / Saint Hedwig
San Francisco Solano - oil on canvas
Samuel Riera / Derbis Campos - an interview
Carlos Javier GarcĆ­a Huerg - Raw Vision #114
Original Calendar Art from India
Spirit house figure - Klong Sra Bua kilns, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Pushpa Kumari - Kohler - Milan Design Week 2023
Karl B. Mann - a collection of Pichhwais
Manuel JimƩnez - four works
A Lithograph from Nathadwara
A Meisen kimono
The Virgin of Guadalupe - NicolƔs Enrƭquez
Manuel JimƩnez - a sculpture
Ghasiram Sharma - a painting and a drawing
Vallabhacharya - with his seven sons
Our Lady of Guadalupe - two fine examples
Shrinathji - photography and paint
Our Lady of Sorrows - three paintings on copper
Manuel JimƩnez - three works
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Miguel Cabrera
The Virgin of the Apocalypse-Cabrera / La Virgen de Apocalipsis ā€“ three examples.

This blog is committed to artists who are informed by the world around them or driven by a highly personal artistic vision. Many respond to and reinterpret traditional culture. Others create works from an internal world. At times, this blog will also examine lesser-known non-western art forms, both contemporary and historic that will enhance the understanding of the artists presented.

All photos and written material are copyrighted. Any works posted against the wish of the copyright owner will be removed upon request. Contact me at the e-mail address in the profile section.

If images are taken from this blog to post on Pinterest or another site, please include a link to Art Found Out.

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